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吵闹的邻居集体 V1 从山上下来 Alt Mix and Stems 带有说唱声乐的管弦乐摇滚,这首激动人心的作品非常适合体育特许经营权和任何希望通过他们的存在获得胜利声音的人。 通过多种编曲和混音,DFTM(It's Goin' Down)将创造出强有力的声明、器乐或令人振奋的弦乐说唱……看看吧。高能管弦说唱摇滚! 一个巨大的胜利组合! Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Drums Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM1 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Noise LFO Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM2 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Bass 2 Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM3 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon- Alt Mix - Synth Melo Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM4 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - H Hat Noise Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM5 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Bass Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM6 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Synth Clav Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM7 00:00 / 01:48 Clouds on the horizon - Alt Mix - Synth Strings Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_02_AM8 00:00 / 01:48
吵闹的邻居集体 V1 噪音箱茎 摇滚乐从一开始就很吸引人,这种不间断的即兴重复摇滚冒险提示非常适合您的下一个越野车商业广告,甚至是酒精饮料点、高压摇滚……即兴重复、构建、击鼓……你需要的一切! Noise Box - Main Mix - 8 30 22 - Drums Stem NOISY NEIGHBORS COLLECTIVE CMGNNV1000_04S1 00:00 / 01:32 Noise Box - Main Mix - 8 30 22 - Bass Stem NOISY NEIGHBORS COLLECTIVE CMGNNV1000_04S2 00:00 / 01:32 Noise Box - Main Mix - 8 30 22 - Organ Stem NOISY NEIGHBORS COLLECTIVE CMGNNV1000_04S3 00:00 / 01:32 Noise Box - Main Mix - 8 30 22 - Gtrs Stem NOISY NEIGHBORS COLLECTIVE CMGNNV1000_04S4 00:00 / 01:32
电影音乐 许可 电影音乐集团 集体 Cinema Music Group 是一家音乐许可公司,专为电影、电视、广告和任何其他需要可靠和高质量音乐同步许可解决方案的媒体而设计。 Cinema Music Group 具有易于识别的编辑点下划线和交替混音、缩减版本和词干,为您的所有制作音乐许可需求提供一致、多功能且具有成本效益的选项。 此外,我们的音乐已预先清除并可能获得许可,可在全球范围内用于任何和所有形式的媒体。使用 Cinema Music Group 集体,您将获得全额赔偿,消除任何法律许可问题。因为我们拥有或控制我们网站上所有可用内容的所有音乐权利,所以您可以放心,下次登录时您可以使用它! 落针 / 一次性 / 按使用付费许可 在特定作品中使用指定曲目 生产协议 在单个作品或系列中使用多个曲目 毯子 / 订阅许可 在多个作品中使用多个曲目 具体时间范围(称为术语) 电影音乐集团许可变得容易 我们在这里帮助提供个性化服务和灵活的许可,使您的任何项目都无忧无虑。注册后,您就可以开始音乐授权之旅了。 联系我们 关于可最大化任何预算的灵活许可选项,以及 保证 你的项目已 100% 覆盖。 现在注册 落针/一次性使用许可 Cinema Music Group 提供按使用量付费的音乐许可模式,允许您按使用次数许可音乐,每次在新作品中使用一首或多首曲目时支付费用。如果您只需要在单个作品中使用音乐或音频,则按使用付费的制作音乐许可证(也称为针头式许可证)可能是正确的选择。使用按使用许可,您可以确保永远不会为不需要的音乐付费。从非常适合一次性广播中的一首歌曲的一次性音乐许可,到允许在系列、广告活动或电影中多次播放的更具适应性的许可,芬欧汇川有多种选择可供选择. 联系我们 制作的自定义音乐许可证 需要音乐许可证来涵盖独特的广告活动、广播/VOD/OTT 使用、电影预告片、游戏或应用程序,或混合媒体。我们将快速而愉快地为您的作品创建一个定制的音乐同步许可包,以确保您获得所需的一切,仅此而已,最重要的是,无所不包。联系我们了解更多信息,让我们根据您的需要创建一个独特的许可证。 联系我们 订阅/一揽子音乐许可 Cinema Music Group 提供了一种非常经济高效的方式来访问我们的整个目录。 在您的制作音乐许可期限内享受无限制下载/无限制使用音乐,订阅专为您所需的音乐权利定制。订阅提供年度、多年或月度计划,涵盖您所有需要音乐的作品。我们还可以提供涵盖单集或整个制作系列的订阅。 底线:如果您制作的内容足够多,与一次性使用音乐同步许可相比,利用订阅可以节省您的时间、减少文书工作并显着降低使用音乐的成本。 联系我们 YouTube 视频的音乐许可 YouTube 已成为一种非常强大的媒体,这要归功于其高质量的流媒体功能和让内容创作者和粉丝互动的社交方面。无论您是著名的视频博主还是专业的内容创作者,拥有使用您的音频的合法权利都至关重要。从 Cinematic Music Group 获得 YouTube 的音乐许可,并避免可能破坏您的项目的版权问题。在此处了解如何为 YouTube 许可音乐。 联系我们 播客音乐许可 音乐在播客中扮演着非常重要的角色。 从介绍主题、关闭音乐、在片段之间切换时剪切音乐以播放,以及声音床以填充对话下的空间,出色的音频是必不可少的。从 UPM 获得播客音乐许可非常简单,只需找到您喜欢的曲目并选择适合您的预算和需求的协议即可。 联系我们的许可专家,了解有关为您的播客许可音乐的更多信息。 联系我们 为什么制作需要音乐许可证? 最重要的是,购买许可证以在您的作品中同步音乐可确保音乐的艺术家和创作者为其作品获得公平报酬。与 Cinema Music Group 等音乐许可集体合作可确保您不会面临违反音乐版权法的风险,您的作品有资格播出,并且您不会因侵犯版权而在 YouTube 或社交网络上收到删除通知。 联系 Cinema Music Group 许可专家,让我们帮助您满足所有音乐许可需求。知道您和您的项目都在保障范围内,可以节省时间、金钱并让您高枕无忧。 联系我们 计划与定价
Ai GARDEN 地震波 打击乐,工业,黑暗的不祥之兆,进入一个巨大的即兴重复段,建立一个混乱的结局......响亮而且在你的脸上! 歌曲词干 Ai Garden_68bpm_Strings Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST1 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Bells Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST2 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Glitch Hits Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST3 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Guitars Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST4 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Maschine Synth Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST5 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Swirl Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST6 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Walking Synth Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST7 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Passing Melody Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST8 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Robot Voice Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST9 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Vocal Group Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST10 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Synth Strings Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST11 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Melody Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST12 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Piano & Pad Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST13 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Drums Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST14 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Stab Chords Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST15 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Bass Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST16 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Horns Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST17 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Horns Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST18 00:00 / 02:45 Ai Garden_68bpm_Synth Waves Stem Ai GARDEN CMGAIG_1000_10_ST19 00:00 / 02:45
吵闹的邻居集体 V1 从山上下来 Alt Mix and Stems 带有说唱声乐的管弦乐摇滚,这首激动人心的作品非常适合体育特许经营权和任何希望通过他们的存在获得胜利声音的人。 通过多种编曲和混音,DFTM(It's Goin' Down)将创造出强有力的声明、器乐或令人振奋的弦乐说唱……看看吧。高能管弦说唱摇滚! 一个巨大的胜利组合! Open Field - Alt Mix - Drones Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_07_AM1 00:00 / 01:35 Open Field - Alt Mix - Kick Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_07_AM2 00:00 / 01:35 Open Field - Alt Mix - Drums Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_07_AM3 00:00 / 01:35 Open Field - Alt Mix - Bass Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_07_AM4 00:00 / 01:35 Open Field - Alt Mix - Piano Stem INVISIBLE ICE Alt Mix CMGIIDU_1000_07_AM5 00:00 / 01:35
电视发行 CMG 电视歌曲 Cinema Music Group 编制了一个独特的原创集合,其中包含大量歌曲,可以满足任何项目的需求。探索并发现您想要和需要的歌曲。
NEWS All the latest and up to date Cinema Music Group news. Press Inquires BRIDGE SCHOOL PROJECT CMG announces "HEART OF GOLD" Vol 1. A benefit record for The Bridge School. Featuring the songs of Neil Young re-imagined by the likes of THE DOOBIE BROTHERS , BRANDI CARLILE , THE LUMINEERS , MY MORNING JACKET , SHARON VAN ETTEN , STEVE EARLE and many others. In early 2023 the principles in CMG began a benefit project covering the songs of Neil Young for the San Francisco area school “The Bridge School.” The Bridge School is a non-profit organization in California for children with severe speech and physical impairments. It aims to allow the children to achieve full participation in their communities through Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technologies (AT). The school opened in 1987 after funds were raised from the 1st Annual Bridge School Benefit concert in 1986 with performances from Crosby Stills, Nash and Young, Bruce Springsteen, Tom Petty and Robin Williams, to name a few. Pegi Young was inspired to start the school after she was unable to find a suitable school placement for her non-verbal son, Ben Young, who has cerebral palsy. The school was founded by Pegi Young, Jim Forderer and Dr. Marilyn Buzolich in 1986, and has since become a world recognized leader in AAC and AT. The co-founder of CMG, Niko Bolas, has worked with Neil Young extensively over the last three plus decades. After a casual conversation about cover songs, Neil gave his blessing for CMG to cover his catalog. Niko and his partner, Dave Resnik decided the most compelling way to get a broad spectrum of artists involved was to create a benefit that would help the school and get a unique and diverse group of talent that would be interested in helping. Some of the participants such as Eddie Vedder, Lucinda Williams and Ann Wilson had performed at the benefit concerts which lasted until 2017. The project includes The Doobie Brothers, Brandi Carlile, The Lumineers, My Morning Jacket, Sharon Van Etten, Steve Earle and a host of other vital artists doing their interpretations of Neil’s catalog. The tentative release is November 2024. NEW MUSIC! CMG artist, BRAD LIEBERMAN , releases a brand new album "Square The Circle" (STC). "This Indie-Folk album is all about bringing together two things, which are normally thought to be so different that they cannot exist together. But they can and they do; to have courage one must know fear. To have love, one must know hate and so on. The natural order of things in life is just that: unity through plurality of opposites, i.e. Square The Circle", exclaims Lieberman. Quoting Graham Greene, "When we are not sure, we are alive." Stay tuned for further updates regarding this much-anticipated project. Square The Circle CMG/Calabama Recording Artist CHRIS PIERCE Chris Pierce's newest album, 'Let All Who Will' delights audiences and critics alike. HighTimes News described it as being the perfect "balance between immediacy and longevity." 'Let All Who Will' continues the quest of amplifying unheralded voices, aims to bring us together across the bitter trenches that divide us and examines the essentials of the human condition: resilience, growth, emotion, aspiration, conflict, and mortality. The recording sessions were led and produced by CMG founders David Resnik and Niko Bolas. FOR INFO AND TOUR DATES Chris Pierce CMG Recording Artist CHARLIE GREENE The highly anticipated work of LA-based singer-songwriter, Charlie Greene, is now over! His new album 'Bad Ideas' is available on all streaming platforms. He's got songs that cover every area of the human condition: cleaning up, getting down, screwing up, hitting bottom, running away and deciding to stay. This project was produced by CMG founders David Resnik and Niko Bolas. FOR INFO AND TOUR DATES Charlie Greene RECORDING AND MIXING DRUMS CMG co-founder Niko Bolas on the techniques of Recording & Mixing Drums METAlliance's Recording & Mixing Drums: Contrasting Techniques from Seven Lifetimes of Recording Experience; Al Schmitt, Chuck Ainlay, Ed Cherney, Elliot Scheiner, Frank Filipetti, George Massenburg, Niko Bolas with Bill Gibson The list of credits for each member of the METAlliance would more than fill this page. It's very likely that you'll love and recognize many of the songs and artists on this very select discography of METAlliance: Get Your Copy Here METALLIANCE 2022 saw founder Niko Bolas join the METAlliance, a group of five globally recognized award-winning audio engineers who have been deeply involved in establishing techniques and technical standards that are the foundation of modern music recording. Niko is one of the newer members replacing the late Ed Cherney and Al Schmitt, legendary engineers that we recently lost. Look for their new book “Recording and Mixing Drums” as well as a January 2023 ‘In Session’ event at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, TN. IMMERSIVE AUDIO The immersive audio technology is a fast-growing high end consumer product. From new automobiles to home entertainment, master recording owners are seeing the demand for this new medium grow. Niko Bolas is one of the best immersive engineers in the business, with projects from Neil Young, Lindsay Buckingham to Steve Perry on his discography. Contact us when the need to diversify your mix catalog arises!
管弦乐团 CMG 独有的 ORCHESTRA LUNATICA 是 David Resnik 和 Juan Covarrubias 于 2009 年构思的器乐项目,灵感来自从波多黎各飞往洛杉矶的航班上的一次偶然相遇。结合他们的各种影响,胡安、戴夫和托斯帕诺斯在鼓上创造了丰富的戏剧音乐体验。 体积: CMGOL3000 专辑名称: 爱与疯狂 描述: 巨大的国歌摇滚、喜怒无常的工业音效设计、刺激肾上腺素的高辛烷值线索、纯噪音、具有多种编排和拆分的引人入胜的曲目,非常适合品牌标识包、体育特许经营权和体育推广、动作冒险电视节目、电影、还有更多... 已发布: 2022年 曲目:2 类型: 电视/电影:品牌标识:运动 情绪: Anthem Rock:Moody Industrial:肾上腺素激增:纯噪音 子流派: 音效设计:推广:动作冒险: 标签: 第 22 街录音 轨道 2 节律 CMGOL3000_02 这些年来 需要a 描述 Rhapsody In Blue RH1 CMGRIB_1600 00:00 / 05:37
CINEMA MUSIC GROUP FOUNDERS 大卫 雷斯尼克 CMG 联合创始人 David Resnik 曾为 ABC、CBS、UPN、Warner Brothers、BRAVO、SKY SPORTS 等许多主要网络创作音乐签名和活动,并为电视节目、故事片和获奖电影作曲拖车。 与此同时,Dave 正在表演、录音并与 SONIA DADA、 MAVIS STAPLES、ANNE MURRAY、ROBI DRACO ROSA、TONE LOC、DONNA SUMMER 和 JANN ARDEN 等人合作。_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 妮可 波拉斯 Niko 的职业生涯横跨多种流派,几十年来一直与格莱美获奖艺术家和音乐界的顶级表演者合作。 Niko 与音乐行业的顶级表演者和艺术家合作的唱片和简历。 Bolas 从 70 年代后期开始担任助理工程师,与 LINDA RONDSTADT、THE MOTELS、KIM CARNES、TEENA MARIE、BONNIE RAITT 和 JAMES TAYLOR 等合作。 Niko 毕业后成为工程师和混音师,曾与 DON HENLEY、STEVE PERRY、BILLY JOEL、STING、KISS、KEITH RICHARDS、TOTO、NEIL YOUNG 和 THE JACKSONS 等合作过。作为制作人,名单还在不断增加,包括 NEIL YOUNG 和 CRAZY HORSE、THE MAVERICKS、MELISSA ETHERIDGE、LEANN RIMES、DAVID CROSBY、CROSBY、STILLS、NASH 和 YOUNG 等等。尽管 Niko 参与了所有令人难以置信的音乐,但他仍然把时间投入到 Cinema Music Group,作为今天的联合创始人。
吵闹的邻居集体 V1 从山上下来 Alt Mix and Stems 带有说唱声乐的管弦乐摇滚,这首激动人心的作品非常适合体育特许经营权和任何希望通过他们的存在获得胜利声音的人。 通过多种编曲和混音,DFTM(It's Goin' Down)将创造出强有力的声明、器乐或令人振奋的弦乐说唱……看看吧。高能管弦说唱摇滚! 一个巨大的胜利组合! The Calling - Alt Mix - Sn Stem INVISIBLE ICE Atl Mix Stem CMGIIDU_1000_01_AM1 00:00 / 01:12 The Calling - Alt Mix- Strings Pizz Stem INVISIBLE ICE Atl Mix Stem CMGIIDU_1000_01_AM2 00:00 / 01:12 The Calling - Alt Mix - Bass Stem INVISIBLE ICE Atl Mix Stem CMGIIDU_1000_01_AM3 00:00 / 01:12 The Calling - Alt Mix - Noise Stem INVISIBLE ICE Atl Mix Stem CMGIIDU_1000_01_AM4 00:00 / 01:12 The Calling - Alt Mix - Kick Stem INVISIBLE ICE Atl Mix Stem CMGIIDU_1000_01_AM5 00:00 / 01:12